WP1 Enhancing synergies and aggregating resources

This workpackage is designed to lay the ground work for the project: It should map other related projects and ensure they are taken into account and that synergies are developed from the start of EQUAM LA, as this should also enhance impact and dissemination:  A Synergies workshop for E+ projects dealing with recognition and with QA in the LA region will be organised to which other relevant projects representatives will be invited. The resulting Outcome report will highlight current results from these projects and what should be incorporated into/considered for EQUaM LA.


1.1 Synergies workshop for E+ projects and outcome report

1.2 Resource portal: Latest developments in IQA, EQA and recognition practices (forthcoming)

WP 2 “Developing a ‘QA tool-kit’ to facilitate recognition, and to meet international needs, national requirements and international expectations 

This workpackage is dedicated towards the preparation, drafting and endorsement of the QA tool-kit, the main output of the project that will be tested and around which trainings will be developed for administrative staff.


2.1 Study visit on national requirements and institutional practice: Identifying the QA tool-kit components

2.2 Study visit on international pactices in QA and recognition

2.3 Draft 1 of QA and Recognition tool Kit

2.4 National round tables: Socialisation of tool-kit and feedback generation

2.5 Final draft tool kit

2.6 Partnership workshop to discuss and approve tool kit

WP 3 Training for QA Units and IROs

This workpackage will consist of three training events targeted at the admin staff of both IROs and QA Units, as they are both implicated in internal procedures for recognition and QA. Staff nominated to participate will have to develop personal learning outcomes and be expected to provide a report at the end of the training event series on how they will disseminate their knowledge internally in the institution. The learning outcomes will be summarized in a staff training plan.The trainings will be designed to address their individual needs and also promote collaboration between them. The QA tool-kit will be an immediate reference point for the training.


3.1 Staff training plans

3.2 Training event 1 : International procedures for recognition

3.3 Training event 2: QA procedures and implications for recognition

3.4 Training event 3: Using the Tool Kit

3.5 Equipment purchase

WP 4 Aligning and integrating EQA, IQA and recognition practices: Testing the Tool kit

This workpackage is designed to help the partner country universities exploit the training and equipment purchase and implement the QA tool kit. It essentially provides external monitoring and consultancy via university visits.

Prior to the visits, each partner country university will nominate a ‘test team’ for the tool-kit which will include the staff members that were trained in WP3, as well as one faculty member and one student. In addition, an ‘implementation plan’ will be agreed with the support of university leadership. Each institutional visit will include meetings with diverse internal stakeholders, visiting facilities and different offices and holding a concluding session with the university leadership where the experts will provide preliminary recommendations.


4.1 University test and implementation plans

4.2 Test and implementation teams

4.3 Expert support visits to partner universities

4.4 Outcome reports and suggestions for further implementation of the tool-kit

WP 5 Project Dissemination and Policy Impact

The work package will contribute to the dissemination of project results at various levels, as well as the cross-promotion via other projects. It will also seek for wider promotion and recognition at the policy level, given the importance of policy makers in regulating QA and recognition. 


5.1 Webinar series

5.2 Project website

5.3 Promotional Kit with Key messages

5.4 Project video

5.5 E+ synergies follow up event

5.6 Final conference

WP 6 Quality Plan and Project Monitoring

The project approach to quality monitoring entails several dimensions: internal and external quality assurance for procedures (project structure, work plan, management, and communication) and internal/external quality assurance for the project results and impact.


6.1 Quality Committee

6.2 Quality Monitoring Tools

6.3 External Evaluation

WP 7 Project Management and oversight

This work package will entail the overall project management, including the Kick-off meeting, the Project Management Team Meetings, and the templates and guidelines for financial administration and reporting.


7.1 Kick-off meeting

7.2 Project Management Team

7.3 Reporting Guidelines and templates

7.4 Steering Committee and bi-annual Partner Videoconference meetings

7.5 Partner help line