During June 27-28, 2022, the 1st Toolbox Implementation Meeting was held in the city of Buenos Aires, Republic of Argentina, in the framework of the EQUAM-LA project “Enhancing QUAlity Management & Recognition in Latin American universities to underpin the Latin American Higher Education Space”, coordinated by the University of Murcia and involving 21 institutions from Europe and Latin America: 7 European institutions (4 from Spain, 1 from Belgium, 1 from Italy and 1 from Ireland) and 14 institutions from Latin America (3 from Argentina, 3 Nicaragua, 4 Panama and 4 Colombia).
The meeting was held at CONEAU headquarters and was the first of three meetings planned for the preparation of institutional agents in the implementation of the toolbox. This first meeting was mainly addressed to the quality agents of the university institutions participating in the project, together with some representatives of the internationalization offices. There were 17 participants from Argentina, with representatives from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Universidad Abierta Interamericana and the National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation; from Colombia, with delegations from the Universidad de Caldas, Universidad de Santander and Fundación Área Andina; from Spain, with delegations from the Universidad de Murcia and the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation; from Nicaragua, with the virtual participation of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua de Managua; and from Panama, with the Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá.
News related to the event published by members of the consortium:
- https://www.um.es/en/web/ari/news/news/-/asset_publisher/aGG9lwsRCXm6/content/id/32295007
- https://utp.ac.pa/utp-participa-en-reunion-equam-la-en-coneau-argentina
- https://www.ucaldas.edu.co/portal/universidad-de-caldas-participo-en-taller-internacional-del-proyecto-equam-la-en-buenos-aires/
Previous events:
Consortium meeting in Bogota on 23-25 March, organised by the Fundación Universitaria Área Anadina and ASCUN.