The second plenary meeting of the European Commission’s EQUAM-LA project (Enhancing quality management & recognition in Latin American universities to underpin the Latin American Higher Education Space), which aims to develop quality assurance systems in Latin American universities, with standards similar to those existing in Europe, took place from 16 to 18 November. The quality assurance agencies of the respective countries have also become involved in EQUAM-LA, bringing the number of institutions participating in the project to 21.
The project is now in its final phase, in which each university and the agencies that support them are applying the Toolkit programme to their respective realities. This plenary meeting hosted by the Complutense served to clarify doubts and processes. It also included a visit to ANECA, where they will be introduced to the Interconecta programme. Each university is expected to submit its work by the end of March and after review it will be presented at a meeting to be held in June in Argentina as the culmination of the project.
The meeting is being attended by the heads and coordinators of the quality programmes of the universities involved and also by representatives of the quality agencies of their countries.